Monday, January 2, 2017

My First Review: 420 Odor Eliminator

What's up readers and cannabis enthusiasts!? My name is Bryan, and today I'm here to share a review of something I think is particularly cool. Hopefully ya'll will appreciate these as much as I did.

First up is a cool little product called 420 Odor Eliminator, which the folks at Spray 420 were kind enough to send my way to check out. Now upon first thought, I know some of ya'll are like "Why am I getting rid of dank stank, Bryan?" Honestly, I can't answer that. Some people live in apartments, some people don't want the car to smell a certain way, so on and so forth. This product is def A1 for what it's meant to be used for. And by that, I mean it covers smells with a light, non-overpowering scent of clean linens. In my opinion, there's no better smell. Having clean bed sheets is amazing. But now my whole apartment smells like it and I am stoked.

So upon first glance I know this stuff is ozone friendly, friendly on clothes and hair, and you can use it just about anywhere. This odor eliminator is super versatile and comes in a tiny pocket sized can which is awesome cause you never know when you're too loud. The only real advisories it has are obvious ones, so for the most part this is safe to use.

The bottle calls this the "WORLD'S STRONGEST ODOR ELIMINATOR." As much of a realist as I am, and as much as I feel science is constantly working on these things, I really feel like they hit the nail on the head. This stuff covers just about all funky smells. And I tested this to the fullest extent of stank that I could. I spilled bong water, my cat puked in the kitchen, and stinky stuff that was in my trash can got spilled. so I really put it to the test. But it covered everything flawlessly and without giving me a headache or having to use it repeatedly. It's really pleasant when products can deliver on what they promise.

Basically, without trying sounding too much like a commercial, I recommend this to the homies that spill bong water frequently, smoke blunts indoors, or to those who forget to do laundry..... actually to anybody who likes good smells. I feel as though I can comfortably give 420 Odor Eliminator a 9/10. And the only reason they miss that 1 point is for only having the clean linen odor. Check it out here ( and be sure to follow @spray420 Instagram for more goodies!

Stay lit!

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