Tuesday, February 14, 2017

GoBee: The Dab Pen to End All Dab Pens

GoBee: The Dab Pen to End All Dab Pens

    What up, what up?! Wooh! It has been a minute guys but I am back! Been having some stoner sessions with some cool people in the community. But those stories and videos will come in the future. For right now we are gonna talk about something super exciting to me: Bee-Nails! I get hella excited when I hear about these guys cause they are everywhere. I mean they've been everywhere from High Times to YouTube channels like CustomGrow420. Enough of me fan-boying over here, the reason I bring them up is because they sent me a GoBee portable wax vape for review. So let's get down to it!

    First off let's talk about how to properly use this thing; tap the touch sensor at the bottom 5 times to turn it on or off. It will light up corresponding to what you're doing. Then you've got 3 temperature settings. Tap 3 times to change between temps. High is red, yellow is medium, and green is low. Now if you're like me, this is helpful cause I tend to skip manuals (I need to break this habit -_-).

    Now that we know how to use it let's move on to the features. This baby is sleek and shiny and feels like it comes from the future. The positioning of the touch sensor makes it so it doesn't get turned on in your pocket. As far as hand feel goes it definitely let's you get a good grip. After taking off the mouth piece and looking inside, you really get a good look at the chamber is made of ceramic and the dual quartz coils are wrapped in grade 2 titanium. This portable vape is of such great quality and is very appeasing to the eye.

    Moving on the real tests, taking dabs! Now I spent a good week or so really getting familiar with this product. Taking dabs on every temp, and seeing where the limits were. I have to say that even on the high temp settings this thing gave pretty clean flavors and it pulls so nicely thanks to the adjustable air flow. I have had a few pens, not gonna mention names but this thing has taken the cake for me. I've yet to get a portable vape for concentrates that is as heady, versatile and easy to use as the GoBee. One added bonus is it cleans just like every other quartz nail, with a Q-Tip it just takes a little more effort.

    These beauties start at $89.99 and they come with a titanium dabbing tool, a magnetic GoBee storage box, an extra atomizer, an extra mouthpiece and an extra set of rubber bands! Everyone that I've shown this to and myself included definitely think this thing is well worth the money. I love this pen and I take it everywhere with me and I am super glad I got to review this. To get yours visit: https://www.bee-nails.com/Products/GoBee.aspx

Thanks for reading and stay stoney folks!

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Silver Lining Edibles: Coming Soon

What up guys! Todays review is gonna be at bit different. Since I am in a weed legal state I have the pleasure and absolute honor of reviewing edibles! Some of you might not want to read this as it may be a tease seeing what is just out of reach. Some of you will find this super helpful in the future! So, today we are talking about a very exciting edible brand from the East Bay Area in California called Silver Lining Edibles!

Now after talking to the head confectioner and owner, Anissa, over there I learned a lot of interesting things about their aim as a company. This lady is a force of nature! Not only does is she responsible for the process of candy making but she is also in charge of the cannabis oil making process which she does in her own unique way. I am telling you the sciences behind what she does when mixing the 2...it's art. You can tell she puts a lot of love into the product, and as she said, she understands that cannabis is used as medicine.

I had the amazing opportunity to try some of her amazing chocolate wafer cups (50 mg each) and they were HEAVENLY. To give context I used to be a pastry chef so things are about to get detailed. Let's start with the white chocolate. Now this is the easiest to mess up, I wont lie. But this woman has not only blended cannabis and white chocolate into a perfect symphony of flavors, she has done so with the medicated punch we all look for. I was floating. And the best part: most edibles have that mouthwash+cannabis flavor, these white chocolate wafers did not. I REPEAT: they tasted of nothing but white chocolate and lemon wafer cookie!

Now the milk chocolate, that's where she really won me over. This chocolate was off the chain. And I mean if I hadn't known better, I would say this chocolate was tempered by the Gods! It was smooth, coated your whole mouth with that rich chocolate-y goodness and then you had that end flavor of subtle cannabis. Just enough to accent the flavor of the chocolate.

I am gonna go ahead and say it flat out: these are the best edibles I have EVER had. I would go as far as to say I would choose her chocolate over Hershey's. If you are in the SF Bay Area, I suggest keeping an eye out for Silver Lining Edibles and you can follow Confection-In-Chief at instagram.com/silverliningedibles. Thanks for reading guys!

Stay Toasty!

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Smoak Pipes: The Classy, Elegant Solution for Discreet Herb Smokers

What's going on guys?! Thank you for checking in for another review! Today I am writing to you about something mega-special! Recently got blessed by the homeboy Kevin over at @SmoakPipes with a couple of these beautiful wooden stogies! Let's get to it!

Today I am going to be talking about the Chubbs. This little elegant piece is made of North American White Oak, no products or make up added and finished with a coat of bees wax to protect it. Not only giving it a clean and classy design but giving it none of those additional flavors. The bowl on this thing, let me tell you, is FUCKING huge. Not exaggerating I put a king sized Raw worth of some Darth Vader OG, topped it off with crumble and kief and probably could have packed it a little tighter. I'm telling you, this was crazy to even try to finish on my own.

Let's talk about the bowl a little bit cause this part is a pretty interesting to me. This things deep, and looks quite different than most. It tapers off in the deep end focusing the hit and sending it straight to your head. Which delivers this surprisingly strong pull and fat ass cloud afterwards. I really was so surprised at how great this thing pulled and how clean the hit was. The bowl does have a screen that is securely fastened in there preventing Scooby Snacks, all while allowing you to smoke the entirety of the bowl.

The ultimate test was how it fit in my pocket. Usually you gotta worry about things when you put em in your pocket. Especially with things you smoke out of, but this neat little thing fit in there, didn't get scratched up or dented once after bumping into countless trees, counters, and walls. Not only did it survive my pocket, it survived a wash. Total accidental test, but it survived without warping or hurting the bee wax coat. 

So folks, to sum it all up. It's durable, elegant, you feel like a mob boss smoking from a wooden cigar and it rips. I highly recommend the Smoak Pipe Chubb to any smoker who wants to add a new piece to their collection, right now you can find them on sale for $29.99 at www.smoakpipe.com. And be sure to follow them on Instagram at instagram.com/smoakpipe. Thanks for reading guys!

Stay Stoney!

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